Day 5 in the jungle camp: The nerves are now blank with the celebrities. For days they have not got anything to eat except rice and beans. Sam Dylan had not managed to collect only one star in the last three jungle tests. Every time he broke off with the sentence “I’m a star – get me out of here!”. The fourth exam is now to run better with Lilly Becker and Alessia men in their luggage. The fans took a close look at the three and saw some discrepancies during the exam – Apparently not everything has expired in accordance with the rules.
Jungle camp: Did the stars cheat in the fourth test?
Sam Dylan is not freed from the jungle test on day 5. The reality star had to compete with Lilly Becker and Alessia Herren. “The biggest price of Murwillumbah” was the name of the exam and die-hard jungle fans should of course immediately guess what the celebrities are doing here. For three, you have to cope with a parkour in a car and collect stars. The catch: The driver of the car connected his eyes, the passenger hears nothing and the one in the back seat is not allowed. Together they have to get through the parkour with these handicaps.
More news about the jungle camp:
Sam took over the role of the navigator, who was not allowed to speak in the back seat. He passed on the directions by arm wigs to Lilly, who in turn heard nothing and passed on Sam’s instructions to Alessia – the blind driver. The three completed the task with flying colors and could earn ten stars in the end. But did the stars really deserve these stars? Fans are sure to have tracked down a fraud stitch.
Schummler in the jungle camp? Fans have seen everything
Did we get on the glue in the jungle camp? Fans want to have observed things during the jungle tests that neither Sonja Zietlow and Jan Köppen noticed nor production.
The fans are certain on Instagram: Alessia could see during the exam and hear Lilly. On the official account for the show, a number of users made their allegations loud:
Who also had the feeling that Alessia saw something? Always kept your head up unnatural when driving, To look through the glasses and turn leftalthough Lilly didn’t even say where she has to go. But still congratulations on the 10 stars.
The user is not alone with this suspicion. To have seen other spectators that Alessia could see through her glasses and thus, without waiting for Sam’s instructions, could drive the route. But according to the attentive fans, Lilly is said to have heard through their headphones and Alessia answered her questions. Some even went so far that the exam should have been canceled. Congratulations did not have to cheat for the stars. They were allowed to take all ten stars to the camp.
TV broadcast & streaming: This is how you can watch the jungle camp
I am a star – get me out of here! running daily at 8:15 p.m. on RTL. Following the TV broadcast, the respective episode can be checked on RTL+.