This strange looking keyboard writes ten times faster

This strange looking keyboard writes ten times faster

By playing on its mini joysticks, the CharaChorder allows you to write up to 500 words per minute. Writing, coding and even video games, the benefits are numerous.

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The American startup CharaChorder tries to revolutionize writing at keyboard with new and particularly innovative peripherals, which considerably accelerate the speed typing. Its most innovative device thus makes it possible to reach 500 words per minute, which can be particularly useful for taking notes, but also coding or some video games.

Managing to write at up to 500 words per minute is twice as impressive as what is possible today, when you are an expert, with a conventional keyboard. It is also and above all the promise of typing almost 10 times faster than an average individual.

Essential learning

Typing text at breakneck speed can be especially beneficial in some areas, starting with coding and programming. Another use where typing speed can be useful are the video games where classical keyboard combinations can theoretically be played in accelerated mode here.

The invention of CharaChorder does not appear as a classic keyboard, but in the form of two modules, one under each hand, each with 9 small joysticks, each one can switch in four different directions. This offers an impressive number of combinations. The idea behind this innovation is to write a text word after word and no longer letter after letter. This involves chords made by pressing several keys simultaneously. It is even possible to create shortcuts so that certain combinations lead directly to a standard word or sentence. This obviously takes a lot of practice, but the results can be really stunning. Note that this solution is suitable for both right-handed and left-handed people.

CharaChorder officials recall that the QWERTY keyboard was invented in the 19th century, even before the development of electricity, and that it is therefore time to change the concept. This new generation of “keyboard” is priced at $ 249.99 and is compatible with all Operating systems and that it is absolutely compatible with any computer, Tablet Where smartphone.

The startup also offers its CharaChorder Lite catalog, a slightly more classic version of a keyboard, in the form we know it, but which again allows you to quickly type a word by pressing several keys at the same time. This one is priced at $ 199.99.

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