This sport doubles the risk of skin cancer

This sport doubles the risk of skin cancer

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    in collaboration with

    Marie Jourdan (Dermatologist)

    According to a recent Australian study, golf enthusiasts have a 2.4 times higher risk of being affected by skin cancer. Which sports expose you the most to the sun? How to protect yourself? The answers of Marie Jourdan, dermatologist and member of the Doctissimo expert committee.

    Playing sports is good for your health provided you protect yourself from the sun. A recent study shows that golfers have a risk of skin cancer more than doubled compared to the general population.

    Golfers have 2.4 times higher risk of skin cancer

    Dr Brad Stenner, lead author of the study, points to the benefits of golf for endurance, muscle tone and well-being, but points out that: “While there are clear health benefits to engaging in golf, this study explored the risks of golfing as golfers tend to play for four hours or more in the sun, using a variety of strategies to sunscreen. We found that 27% of golfers – or one in four – had been diagnosed with skin cancer, compared to 7% of the general population“.

    These other sports that expose us to this risk

    When asked about this, Dr. Marie Jourdan, dermatologist and member of Doctissimo’s expert committee, explains: “Outdoor sports activity particularly exposes the skin to the sun, especially in places where there is snow or water. And this all the more so since for nautical activities, we are less dressed”.

    Are athletes aware of these risks? “Attitudes are changing. Surfers are now equipped with more and more covering wetsuits, with long sleeves. They have integrated the need to protect their skin, it has even become a “cool” approach” says our expert.

    Beyond the exposure time, perspiration or water can alter the effectiveness of your sun protection.

    Protect your skin!

    Dr. Stenner of the University of South Australia therefore recommends golf enthusiasts to protect themselves effectively against the harmful rays of the sun: “My advice is this: before you go out and play golf, be sure to put on a protective high factor sunscreen, wear a wide-brimmed hat, sleeves or arm guards to make sure you have the maximum coverage. Also, remember to reapply sunscreen as you go. Once you have that, you’re good to go.“.

    Advice taken up by Dr Marie Jourdan and which is valid for all sports: “During a sporting activity in the sun, you have to think about glasses, a wide-brimmed hat and textile protection, pants and long sleeves above all! Then, apply SPF 50 sunscreen to uncovered areas. Finally, I remind you that if the athletes are concerned, the people who watch them in the stands, in the sun, are just as much!”.
