This special folder gives you access to all the hidden settings of Windows

This secret folder gives access to all Windows settings in

Windows is full of parameters and settings of all kinds. And it is not easy to find your way around, especially since they are scattered everywhere. But there is a way to access it more easily with a special folder.

Windows, Microsoft’s operating system, is full of options and functions to personalize and optimize the operation of a computer. But these multiple settings and parameters are scattered across the four corners of the system, and often buried under several layers of menus and successive windows.

Historically, most of these options and settings were brought together within the Control Panela sort of unified control center for the system. But since Windows 10, some of the settings are also accessible via the application Settingsand more and more of them are added with the developments of Windows 11.

It is therefore not always easy to navigate between these two settings menus, which are sometimes duplicates but whose interface is completely different. However, Windows has a small “secret” function, which groups all the system parameters, options and settings into a single list, so that they can be accessed with a single (double) click.

Called God Mode (literally god mode, in French), this tool is presented in the form of a “hidden” folder, which therefore brings together all the Windows settings within the same list of files. Each of them thus points to an option or a parameter of the system, and they are grouped by thematic or functional category, which makes the search very convenient.

To activate God Mode, it’s very simple. First, right-click on an empty space on the desktop, then, in the context menu that appears, click New and then on Case. Then rename the folder (right-click or keyboard shortcut F2) in GodMode. {ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} and validate by pressing the key Entrance of the keyboard.

You will then notice that the classic yellow folder icon has transformed into a Control Panel icon, and that its name has disappeared. Finally, double-click the new icon, which will open File Explorer to a long list of items, each corresponding to a Windows setting or setting.

The name of each item is in French and the list is well structured by category, making it much easier to search and discover interesting options. By double-clicking on one of the files, Windows will then automatically launch the program or window corresponding to the chosen action or setting, as shown. Task Managerthe app Settings or the good old Control Panel.

God Mode is available for both Windows 10 and Windows 11, and it activates and uses exactly the same way on both systems. Finally, for those who want to go even further, it is possible to create a “Super God Mode”, using a third-party program that you can get from the GitHub page of its developer, ThioJoe. This Super God Mode gives access to an even greater number (more than 1000) of Windows parameters and tweaks. To be reserved for informed users.
