This space station will soon no longer exist, but now reduced

This space station will soon no longer exist but now

Most known by Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the space of the same name is one of the most cult from the popular SciFi franchise, which recently claimed the BluebriXX clamping module manufacturer before the license will be at LEGO in the future. As long as the remaining stocks are not yet sold outcan you build the legendary space station for building your own large format

Currently secure reduced at Amazon for less than 100 euros *.

This offers Bluebrixx ‘Deep Space Nine for Star Trek fans

With Dimensions of 65 × 60 × 43 centimeters and 2,889 clamping modules along with construction instructions Can you approach the former Cardassian space station on the Bajoran worm hole near the border to the Gamma quadrant step by step. The manufacturer promises Many great and authentic details from Deep Space Nineincluding the mini version of a defiant spaceship on the dock ring.

There is one for that Display stand to the right exhibition of the finished model, including labeled badge. Bluebrixx also states that the in -house knobs from German development are full Compatible with the clamping modules of many other manufacturers are, which also makes another use possible.

You can also find more details on the features on Amazon *.

Deep Space Nine from Bluebrixx: Star Trek fans on Amazon convinced

The Deep Space Nine model with an average of 4.6 out of 5 stars is very well received in 13 reviews at Amazon *, with above all Processing, design and price are praised. Only a review is dissatisfied. By the way, there is also at Amazon More Star Trek models from BluebriXX *, which will be affected by the license and are therefore no longer available at some point.

Before the new Star Trek license is really getting rolling at the Klemmbaustein market leader Lego, fans have a good way to put together cheaper and yet high-quality models with a detailed appearance-but only as long as the sets have not yet been sold out.

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