This Simple Trick Protects Your Home From Spiders – Just Two Ingredients

This Simple Trick Will Keep Your Home Spider Free Just

Keeping spiders out of your home doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. All you need is two ingredients, both of which you probably already have at home.

You may have already started to notice spiders in your home. This is the season when these little creatures are looking for a shelter to spend the fall and winter in warmth. In general, they come inside in search of food (insects) or shelter. Dark, damp and unfrequented areas of the house, such as basements, attics and nooks and crannies under furniture, are good places for them.

While some people appreciate the presence of spiders for their role as predators of harmful insects, others prefer to do without them and keep them away from their home, even if they generally pose no danger to humans. Fortunately, for the latter, there is a very simple trick to prevent them from intruding into your home: a mixture based on two ingredients that you probably already have in your cupboards, water and white vinegar.

Mixing water and white vinegar is a natural and safe way to repel arachnids, without resorting to harsh chemicals. White vinegar, which is often used for household cleaning, has repellent properties against many insects, including spiders. Its strong odor and acidity are not appreciated by these creatures, who then try to get away from it.

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To prepare this natural repellent, mix a glass of white vinegar and a glass of water in a spray bottle. Shake well to homogenize everything. Spray the solution around windows, doors, baseboards and in corners where you have spotted spiders. You can also apply it to dark corners and less frequented areas of the house, such as the attic or cellar. In addition, spray a little of the mixture on a cloth and wipe your lampshades, lamps, TV, frames, mirrors, and also your walls.

This method is interesting because it does not kill spiders, but simply discourages them from settling in your home. It is also safe for your four-legged pets and your children. Just remember to repeat this action regularly, every 2/3 days for example to keep spiders away.
