This simple plumber’s adjustment can save you significant money on your electricity bill

This simple plumbers adjustment can save you significant money on

A simple gesture can allow you to make big savings all year round.

While gas and electricity prices are soaring, every little gesture that can help reduce the bill is welcome. Turn off the light when you leave a room, turn down the heat by one degree, cover your saucepan, wash your hands in cold water… You know these actions well and many of us apply them every day to save money.

Good news, we have a new little-known tip to limit your consumption. The hot water tank is one of the most energy-consuming devices in a home. It represents approximately 11% of French consumption, or €295.90 per year per household on average according to ADEME (Agency for the Environment and Energy Management).

If it is possible to cut it during the holidays or reduce the duration of the shower to save a few euros on the consumption of your tank, another method is much more effective and will save you money all year round. Typically, when your hot water tank is installed, it is set to 55-60 degrees. ADEME recommends that you lower this temperature by only 5 degrees, and set your water heater between 50 and 55°C.

At this temperature, you guarantee yourself very hot water for your showers and for washing dishes, limit the risk of burns and do not put your health at risk. In fact, at this temperature, you avoid the risk of bacterial proliferation. Be careful not to set the temperature below 40/50 degrees as bacteria called legionella could grow in the water.

Adjustment is very easy and can be done directly from outside your equipment on the majority of models, via a dial or a digital interface. If your tank is older, you will need to remove the safety cover to adjust the thermostat. By applying this golden rule to the adjustment of your hot water tank, Ademe estimates a saving of 31 euros on average per year.
