This sign shows that your stomach is hyperacid (you need to consult)

This sign shows that your stomach is hyperacid you need

This happens especially when we eat too late in the evening or eat too much fat, according to this intestinal expert.

The body is well made: to digest, our stomach must produce a large amount of acid – hydrochloric acid – and maintain a constant pH, between 1 and 3. This acidity in the stomach has several roles: stimulating digestive enzymes, breaking down food during digestion, but also eliminating bacterial and infectious agents that could potentially enter the body via food. The stomach must therefore be acidic… but not too much.

When the stomach secretes too much acid, it becomes “hyperacid” and this can lead to digestive discomfort and severe heartburn. This happens especially when we eat too late in the evening, too much fat (fatty meats, pastries, etc.), too spicy, too much coffee or too much alcohol.If you notice acidity just from time to time, there is no need to worry. But if it is chronic, that is, you have it at least once a week and it is continuous, then it is worth investigating and consulting your doctor.“, reports to the American media Women’s HealthDr. Megan Rossi, a registered dietitian specializing in gut health.

According to her, several signs can reveal hyperacidity: abnormal and persistent fatigue, weight gain and the appearance of cellulite because the excess acid present in the body is stored in fatty tissues or even impurities in the skin (excess acid can cause hormonal imbalance and overproduction of sebum and skin inflammation).

A much lesser known but also suggestive sign of a hyperacid stomach: “If your nose is constantly running, even when you don’t have a cold or flu, it could be a sign of an imbalanced acid-base balance: the body is trying to excrete excess acids through the mucous membranes.s”, we can read.

If acidity is bothering you right now, there are techniques to calm the problem.“, reassures Dr. Rossi: practice diaphragmatic breathing exercises (sitting, inhaling slowly through the nose, one hand on the chest and the other on the stomach), opt for loose clothing (tight or high-waisted clothing promotes reflux) and maintain good intestinal health by favoring a plant-based diet (whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables).
