This sign shows that you have a tired heart, you need to see a doctor

This sign shows that you have a tired heart you

Even more so from the age of 60.

Like all organs, the heart undergoes changes as we age. With age, it tends to increase slightly in volume and develop thicker and more rigid walls, which leads to insufficient filling of the heart and ultimately, heart failure. In other words, a tired heart which no longer properly fulfills its role as a pump and which promotes the occurrence of health problems (cough, shortness of breath, etc.).

From the age of sixty onwards we need to pay more attention to our heart rate, especially postmenopausal women who no longer benefit from certain cardioprotective agents such as estrogens.“, informs us Jeanne Vicaire, cardiology nurse. At this age, a healthy heart must respect a heart rate of between 60 and 80 beats per minute (standard set by the National Institute of Prevention and Health Education -Inpes).Below, the heart beats too slowly (bradycardia); above, the heart beats faster than expected (tachycardia), which can – in both cases – reveal a cardiovascular problem, with complications if not treated“, continues our interlocutor.

Besides the frequency at which the heart beats, there is also a history of regularity of the beats. Beats that are not as usual are disturbing and can be a sign of a tired heart. “From the age of 60, we start to see more atrial fibrillation: a type of cardiac arrhythmia in which the heart accelerates (it “jumps” suddenly) and beats irregularly. And when this happens, you must be able to consult immediately because it can have consequences on the health of the heart and on the organs in general.“, she insists.

Irregular beats are not always felt. Only a cardiovascular assessment carried out by a doctor can verify whether the rhythm is normal. “In addition, at this age, it is also recommended to monitor your heart rate at home using a connected watch with an integrated pulse oximeter and electrocardiogram which can detect a possible rhythm disorder.“, recommends our expert.
