This sick leave allows you to take 10 days without justification

This sick leave allows you to take 10 days without

Feeling down, sad, feeling out of shape… What if we could stop for a few days to take a break, recharge our batteries and think about ourselves without having to see a doctor for illness? Because mental health is essential. As the WHO reminds us, “There is no health without mental health”. However, it fluctuates throughout life and various socio-environmental factors can degrade it. The professional world, for example, can maintain stress, anxiety, anger or even loss of self-confidence. According to the figures reported by the Ministry of Health13 million French people are affected by a mental illness or psychological disorders, i.e. almost 1/5 of the population. To overcome the temporary psychological difficulties of these employees, a company has set up a specific work stoppage.

It was its founder, Yu Donghai, who decided to grant it at the beginning of 2024. At the head of the Chinese supermarket chain Pang Dong Lai, this business leader allows his employees to take up to 10 days of leave per year when they experience a drop in morale. Called “unhappy leave” or “unhappy day”, the scheme is granted without justification, in addition to sick leave and paid leave. “I want every staff member to have their freedom” Yu Donghai told “Everyone has hard times so if you’re not happy, don’t come to work” he added.

A surprising decision considering that China is known for its very demanding work culture. Workdays last an average of 9 hours, 6 days a week. But the business leader insisted that managers could not refuse such a request from an employee. “To refuse it is a violation” he argued. And in France?

In France, in the event of mental health issues, employees can discuss them with their management, take a day of paid leave, or request sick leave from a doctor. But it is not always easy to have this dialogue between employees. Mental health is still taboo in the world of work, especially when it comes to emotional fatigue, loss of motivation or even overwork. According to the French Labor Code, sick leave is a prescription from a doctor to an employee whose state of health does not allow them to carry out their activity. “The causes are: an illness, an occupational illness, an accident at work, an accident on the way to work” remember the Ministry of Economy.

No psychological causes have been recognized yet. However, an “unhappy leave” could be beneficial according to a study published in March 2024, which showed better results for both employees and companies when workers’ mental health improves. WHO recommends that employers implement work organization that directly targets working conditions. It proposes in particular the addition of social and psychological support in the workplace as well as access to leisure-oriented physical activity.
