Usually affecting older people, this serious illness has progressed by 79% in 30 years among younger people, warn researchers of a study published in September.
Cancers generally affect adults over the age of 50. But a study published in the journal BMJ Oncology in September 2023 has just revealed that the number of cases of early cancers (between 14 and 49 years old), increased by 79% worldwide between 1990 and 2019. The term “early-onset cancer” is used to describe a case that develops in people younger than the typical age at which this type of cancer is usually diagnosed. The study researchers relied on the study data “Global Burden of Disease 2019“ covering more than 29 different cancers in 204 countries and regions.
The number of deaths from early cancer has increased by almost 30%
THE breast cancer represents the greater number of “early” cases. But the incidence of trachea (nasopharynx) and prostate cancers increased most rapidly since 1990, reveals the analysis, while that of liver rather decreases. THE cancers that caused the most deaths and most compromised health among young adults in 2019 were those in breast, trachea, lung, intestine and stomach, with the greatest increase in deaths among people with kidney or ovarian cancer. Number of early cancer deaths increased by 27.7% between 1990 and 2019 (1.06 million). In low- and middle-income countries, early onset of cancer has a much greater impact on women than on menboth in terms of deaths and resulting poor health.
In question, food, tobacco and alcohol
Researchers have highlighted the risk factors for these early-onset cancers:
- a diet high in red meat
- Alcohol consumption
- smoking
- air pollution
- exposure to harmful substances during pregnancy
- obesity
- physical inactivity
- hyperglycemia
Based on trends observed over the past three decades, researchers estimate that the global number of new cases of early-onset cancer and associated deaths will increase by another 31% and 21%, respectively, in 2030. population aged 40 to 49 will be particularly affected over the next 10 years. They advocate early detection.