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Marie Lanen
Head of parenting sections (baby, pregnancy, family), psychology and beauty

Certain first names were all the rage at the beginning of the 1900s and then sank into oblivion… But that was without counting on the retro trend which allowed some of them to come back to the forefront. Doctissimo has selected a retro female first name from the top 400.
This has probably not escaped you, but certain retro names like Adèle, Alma, Lucie, Victoire or Rose are already frolicking in the playgrounds! Carried by 8,000 people in France, the first name Rosalie is already part of the top 400 and the experts from the book L’Officiel des Prénoms (First Editions) see him as a rising star.
Rosalie, the French form of Rosa and Rosalia
The first name Rosalie means “rose” in Latin. This first name flourished in France in the 19th century but was never very widespread. This first name will be more successful in Germany, the Netherlands and even in Quebec where it is in the top 10 in 2010.
Little Rosalie is credited with intelligence, logic, meditation, decision-making and knowledge. Great qualities that should appeal to many future parents. They can also choose its variant: Rosali.
We celebrate Rosalie on September 4th.
The trend of retro female names
The experts from the book L’Officiel des Prénoms have been analyzing all the first name trends for several years. In 2024, the fashion for retro first names (girls and boys) is not diminishing, quite the contrary. Moreover, the authors provide some ideas for first names that ride the trend: Adèle, Agathe, Aimée, Alice, Angèle, Anna, Antoinette, Apolline, Augustine, Blanche, Candice, Céleste, Célie, Clarisse, Colette, Églantine, Élise , Émilienne, Emma, Eugénie, Félicie, Hortense, Irène, Jeanne, Joséphine, Juliette, Léontine, Léopoldine, Louise, Lucie, Lucienne, Madeleine, Marcelle, Marguerite, Mathilde, Mona, Ophélie, Pauline, Rosalie, Rose, Sidonie, Simone , Suzanne, Victoria, Victorine, Zélie, Zoé.
The wave of “ie” first names
A bit vintage, “ie” endings are also fashionable in 2024. This is precisely why future parents appreciate them. They rhyme with Marie, but also, and above all, with Charlie and Romy who open the way for them. According to the experts in the reference book on first names, if parents don’t embrace their 1970s side, they can always add a “y” to give them an Anglo-Saxon charm. Here are some ideas for first names in “ie”: Abbie, Adélie, Amélie, Amicie, Angie, Angy, Annie, Aurélie, Azélie, Béthanie, Candie, Coralie, Émilie, Eugénie, Eulalie, Évie, Félicie, Flavie, Georgie, Harmonie, Hilarie, Indy, Jessy, Julie, Léonie, Lidie, Loélie, Lucie, Lydie, Maggie, Maguy, Mallorie, Margerie, Mélodie, Nathalie, Noémie, Octavie, Olympie, Ophélie, Othilie, Peggie, Pélagie, Quitterie, Rosalie, Sidonie, Sophie, Stéphanie, Suzy, Sylvie, Tiffany, Valérie, Vicky, Virginie, Zazie, Zoélie.