This raptor, cousin of the Velociraptors, was gigantic

This raptor cousin of the Velociraptors was gigantic

If the Velociraptors were already giving cold sweats to the spectators of the saga Jurassic Park, the films are far from showing which were the most impressive raptors having walked the Earth. A study reports the discovery of a new species in Argentina, whose size rivaled that of allosaurs.

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Theropods are one of the best known groups of dinosaurs to the general public as they include the largest species of carnivores having never walked Earth including the emblematic tyrannosaurus rex, Spinosaurus aegyptiacus as well as species of the genus Allosaurus. Several theropods were made famous thanks to the films of the saga Jurassic Park and Jurassic Worldincluding members of the genus Velociraptor. However, it has long been established that great freedom has been taken with regard to the representation of Velociraptors in these films compared to what the register indicates fossil. These were indeed surely covered in featherswere two meters long but only 50 centimeters high.

The shadow of death “

If the Velociraptors weren’t the great theropods portrayed by the saga, their cousins ​​could have figured among the top predators in these films. L’Utahraptor could, for example, measure seven meters long and almost two meters high and austrorapto cabazai could reach five meters long and more than two meters high.

The group of dromesaurids to which raptors most commonly belong is indeed very diverse in terms of morphologies and the sizes. The paleontologists are therefore trying to find out what the stature of the largest of its representatives may have been. A research team has just published the description of a new species named giant raptor Maip macrothorax in the newspaper Scientific Reports. The specimen belongs to the group of Megaraptors, it was discovered in the province of Santa Cruz, Argentina, and dates from the Maastrichtian (-72.1 to -66 million years). The term Macrothorax recalls that this raptor had a great chest cavity which was just over 1.20 meters wide. Paleontologists found only rare fossils of this specimen such as vertebrae, ribs and part of the pectoral belt but they were able to estimate that the individual was about nine and a half meters long and almost three meters in height. high.

The authors of the study were also interested in the phylogeny of Megaraptors. They determined that M. macrothorax was phylogenetically close to other South American Megaraptors which are more recent than those from Australia and Asia. The latter were also smaller and of less robust constitution than the subgroup of which the impressive M. macrothorax. The latter must therefore have been among the greatest predators of its time in South America. The genus name Maip is also the name of an evil entity from the mythology of the Tehuelches (Indians of Patagonia) which means the shadow of death ».

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