You don’t need more than 10 minutes to get back into exercise, and this program will work every part of your body.
For those looking to get back into fitness without sacrificing hours of their day, a quick but effective workout program may be key. The program below, taking less than 10 minutes, combines targeted exercises to challenge different muscle groups, providing a quick but comprehensive session for those looking to get back into shape.
The entire program, offered by the YouTube fitness channel “MrandMrsMuscle”, is structured to maximize benefits in minimum time. Each exercise is performed for 30 seconds, followed by a 40-second break, and the cycle is repeated twice. Let’s take a look at each exercise and its specific benefits.
“Squat ankle touch.” This exercise combines the classic benefits of the squat with an added twist to engage the abdominal muscles and obliques. Starting from a traditional squat position, lower yourself while alternately touching the opposite ankle with your hand. This increases the involvement of the core muscles while working on leg strength.

“Push-up to push-through.” Push-ups are a classic exercise for working the upper body, but this variation adds an extra dimension. Start with a traditional push-up, then push your body backward to stretch your back muscles. This combination engages the muscles of the chest, shoulders, triceps, while providing spinal extension.
“Hollow hold.” It is a core exercise that targets the abdominal muscles. In an easier variation, the legs are bent at a 90-degree angle, reducing strain on the lower back muscles. Maintaining this position engages the deep abdominal muscles.
“Crab toe touches”. This dynamic exercise targets the muscles of the core, legs and arms. In a seated position, hands and feet are placed on the floor, then alternate touching the tips of your opposite toes while lifting your hips. Crab toe touches improve coordination, flexibility and strengthen several muscle groups simultaneously.
After this series of exercises, a 40-second break allows the muscles to partially recover before the second series. This strategic break helps maintain intensity while avoiding excessive fatigue.
This program, repeated twice, offers a complete session in less than 10 minutes. By integrating varied and targeted movements, it helps strengthen the body in a balanced manner, thus promoting overall fitness. For those looking for a quick and effective solution to get back into shape, this minimalist program is the answer. In ten minutes a day, you can put your body on the path to significant transformation