This picture was posted by Måns Zelmerlöw after Ciara followed him

This picture was posted by Mans Zelmerlow after Ciara followed

Måns Zelmerlöw37, is one of our most popular artists whose career started in Idol 2005. Kirsti Tomita was, to say the least, overjoyed by Mån’s singing – as was the rest of the jury.

After that, Måns has become a big favorite in Swedish homes but also internationally after delivering one of the most popular songs that ever competed in the Eurovision song contest.

DO NOT MISS: Everything about Måns Zelmerlöw: Wife, children, height, Idol and Eurovision

In 2017, Måns came out and told us that it wasn’t just the career that flourished. But also love life. He had found love in Ciara to whom he is today married. The couple also have sons Ossian, Albert and Mån’s bonus son Archie.

Måns and Ciara Zelmerlöw. Image source: Stella Pictures

In P4 Extra, Måns revealed that the couple had met at a wedding but that Ciara was initially completely uninterested.

DO NOT MISS: Ciara Janson has followed Måns Zelmerlöw: “Anyone who knows…?”

– We were at a wedding in England where I played, and she was completely uninterested. We ended up next to each other at dinner, and I had to fight. It was only when we started texting afterwards that she realized that I was quite fun anyway, Måns Zelmerlöw told Look Schultz.

Måns Zelmerlöw. Image source: Stella Pictures

On Instagram, you have been able to follow Pret’s life, where they alternate between staying in London and Sweden.

But in the last week something has happened. Nyheter24 was able to reveal that Ciara followed Måns on social media. This after Vanessa “Nessa” Elie who runs the gossip account Exonphspoilerse on Monday wrote:

“Anyone who knows what happened between Måns Z and his wife? hihihihihihi”.

Måns Zelmerlöw publishes picture

Neither Måns nor Ciara have commented on the whole thing, nor have they posted much on Instagram other than a couple of stories.

After it reached the public that Ciara followed Måns, he published a picture of himself together with his sons.

Måns Zelmerlöw publishes picture. Image source: manszelmerlow/Instagram

He has written “Back in paradise” to the picture.

In his feed, he has published a wine advertisement:

Furthermore, the couple has not commented on the whole thing.
