This PET bottle you can never order

This PET bottle you can never order

In January, it was clear that the mortgage on cans and bottles will be raised.

Small PET bottles that hold less than a liter will go from a penny in pledge to two kronor, cans pantes are raised from one to two kronor and large PET bottles that hold more than one liter will go from two to three kronor in pledge.

The change is only expected to take place in September 2025.

Not all PET bottles can be kept. As is well known, it is not possible to order the barcode on the bottle is destroyed and thus cannot be read by the mortgage machine.

In a previous interview with News24 explained Sara Barthelson RiismarkCommunications manager at Returpack/Pantamera, which bottles and jars that the mortgage machines are unable to read.

“The ATMs cannot handle bottles and jars that are too damaged – this is a combination of materials, form, weight and bar code that should be true,” she said, continuing:

– It is important that the machines can determine that it is ‘right’ packaging that passes, so that material does not enter material that cannot be handled in the flow.

The mortgage machines also cannot handle any size on the PET bottles. For technical reasons, a PET bottle that has an outer diameter greater than 130 millimeters and a height longer than 370 millimeters can never be pledged.

There are also minimum requirements on the size of a PET bottle. PET bottles with an outer diameter less than 45 millimeters and a height shorter than 85 millimeters can also not be pledged, which is evident from Pantameras Technical specification for the mortgage machines.
