This organic deodorant sold everywhere in France is now prohibited for sale

This organic deodorant sold everywhere in France is now prohibited

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    The cosmetic product in question, manufactured by the Ysiance Bio brand, would cause injuries and skin allergies.

    Organic products are known to be good for the skin and nature. But they can also be harmful to the consumer. This is the case of Ysiance organic deodorant with cherry blossom and aloe vera extracts, now withdrawn from sale.

    What is the product withdrawn from sale?

    This is a special “sensitive skin” deodorant, sold everywhere in France.

    • Product Category: Hygiene-Beauty
    • Product Subcategory: Cosmetics;
    • Product Brand Name: Ysiance Bio;
    • Model names or references: Sensitive skin deodorant with cherry blossom and aloe vera extracts;
    • Container: 50ml
    • Batch: No. 21,176,003;
    • Gtin: 3222477070677
    • Marketing start/end date: from 07/07/2021 to 14/10/2022;
    • Geographical area of ​​sale: entire France;
    • Distributors: Casino, Vival, Spar and casino distribution networks.
    • Reason for recall: Packaging error.

    The Rappel Conso site specifies that consumers holding this deodorant are at risk of developing “external injuries” and/or “skin allergies”. Allergic reactions to a product are usually manifested by itching, redness and burning sensations.


    They are therefore invited to stop using the product and to return it to the point of sale in order to obtain a refund. The end date of the reminder is set for Saturday, January 14, 2023.
