This option for less than 100 euros is the perfect anti-theft device to protect your car

This option for less than 100 euros is the perfect

Nobody wants their vehicle to be stolen and there are several solutions to limit the risks. One of them is simple, inexpensive, and does not require the installation of an accessory when parking.

Having your car stolen is every driver’s nightmare. It can be a real source of anxiety to see your vehicle disappear and cause a lot of trouble when you have no other options for getting around. There is also a mental burden, with all the steps to take to report the theft. While you know the basic safety measures to limit the risks (such as locking your vehicle and closing your windows as soon as you get out, even for a few seconds), other tips are less well-known and have some advantages.

There are indeed several ways to deter thieves, for example by installing a steering wheel lock, also called an anti-theft cane. But this type of accessory has a drawback: you have to install it every time you park and remove it to leave. When you are in a hurry, it is therefore not ideal. Another solution worth knowing: etching the vehicle windows.

This technique has two functions. The first is to deter thieves who might notice the engraving. The vehicle will be less attractive to criminals, but also more difficult to resell. The other advantage is that vehicles with etched windows are easier to find and identify by law enforcement if they are found. It can also help confirm the identity of the owner if the car has been damaged, for example if the license plates have been removed.

But how does it work? To have your car windows engraved, you can contact a garage. The engraving is very discreet and does not hinder visibility while driving. Once it is done, the organization that carried it out will register the unique identification number (usually the vehicle identification number, or VIN), with the national Argos file and give a certificate of engraving to the owner.

A deposit to prove his identity and that he can also send to his insurer to show that he is taking measures to protect his car from theft. You should know that the price is 80 euros on average and it can go up to 150 euros. Engraving can be included in a package with other options, such as the installation of a GPS beacon to more easily find the vehicle in the event of theft.
