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Marie Lanen
Head of parenting sections (baby, pregnancy, family), psychology and beauty

The character of a first name is one of the criteria many parents use when choosing a first name for their future child. Doctissimo reveals to you which name inspires optimism so that Baby takes events on the positive side of things.
According to the Larousse dictionary, characterology is defined by “the psychological study of individual characters to develop classifications into types and temperaments”. If this part of psychology is considered outdated, it is not yet so for certain parents who pay attention to it when choosing the first name of their future child. Doctissimo has also decided to highlight a female first name referring to joy and optimism.
Abby, an optimistic little girl’s name
The name Abby means “Source of Joy” in Hebrew. Abby is very common in English-speaking countries. There are many spelling variations of this first name: Abbie, Abi, Abie. To date, 2,900 people have this first name in France. It is already part of the top 300 most given first names and its rise is not likely to stop there. Indeed, the experts from the book L’Officiel des Prénoms predict a bright future for it.
On the character side, we attribute to little Abby a certain optimism. It is this character trait that appeals to many parents. Girls with this first name are also pragmatic, creative and very sociable. They will undoubtedly be attracted to communication professions.
First names from biblical sources still trendy
The First Names Official analyzes first name trends based on the most popular first names and the wishes of future parents. First names from biblical sources (Old Testament) are still as attractive, whether for boys or girls. Thus, the first name Abby meets the wishes of today’s young parents. Here are other examples of trendy first names: Abigaël, Ada, Dana, Daria, Déborah, Dina(h), Éden, Élisabeth, Élona, Esther, Ève (Éva), Hannah, Héléa, Ilana, Jessica, Judith, Léa, Liorah , Myriam, Noa, Noémie, Rachel, Rébecca, Ruth, Salomé, Sarah, Sharon, Talia, Yaël, Yona. Enough to inspire many couples who are expecting a child in 2024.
If Abby is experiencing a great rise, it is not the only first name in the top 200 which aims to enter the first 100 ranks. Here are other female names that will see their popularity skyrocket: Aria, Ariane, Célestine, Diana, Hannah, Izia, Jana, Joyce, Judith, June, Kiara, Leya, Liv, Maddy, Malia, Maxine, Olympe, Roma , Rym, Talia and Yuna.