This object is 17,000 times dirtier than the toilet seat (our face touches it every day)

This object is 17000 times dirtier than the toilet seat

“More than 3 million bacteria per cm²” according to researchers.

Cutting board, remote control, sponge, computer keyboard, switch, taps… We don’t necessarily realize it but many objects in the house are real nests for germs. Among them, there is one that we handle on a daily basis and which is swarming “of a legion of germs“, report NSF researchers (National Sanitation Foundation, American health organization). The proof is: after only one week of use, this object – which is in contact with our face several hours a day (and 2,920 hours per year on average) – contains more than 3 million bacteria per cm², or 17,000 times more than a toilet seat, an object considered very dirty. After a month of use, there are around 12 million bacteria hiding there, or 40 times more than the inside of a dog bowl. Engaging, isn’t it?

To reach this conclusion, the researchers examined the object in question (not washed beforehand) under a microscope. The latter was collected from several volunteers and bacteriological samples were collected from its surface every week for 4 consecutive weeks. At the end of their analysis, the researchers listed the type of bacteria found on the object. Most often, these were Gram-positive bacilli and cocci that could be responsible for respiratory infections. But also a multitude of mites, microscopic allergens which develop in hot and humid environments, which feed on dead skin cells and which can cause allergic reactions in certain people (sneezing, coughing, itching, nasal congestion. ..), we can read in their study.

The object in question is none other than… the pillow, this little soft cushion that accompanies all our nights. So, to limit your exposure to bacteria, the ideal is to change your pillowcase every week, remove your makeup and clean your face thoroughly before sleeping, and replace your pillow every 3 years (or every 6 month for a first-price pillow). Researchers also warn about sheets and mattresses which can, if they are not cleaned and changed regularly, contain millions of bacteria per square centimeter. The sheets must be washed every week and the mattresses must be replaced every 7 years.
