This new TV show is a goldmine for people who want to spend less on clothing purchases

This new TV show is a goldmine for people who

Are your wardrobes full of clothes you no longer wear? Rather than buying new ones, the brand new program from the M6 ​​channel invites you to give them a second life thanks to eco-responsible alternatives.

Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed! In France and internationally, fashion is one of the most polluting economic sectors. According to the Environment and Energy Management Agency (Ademe), 100 billion items of clothing are produced each year around the world. Regarding consumption, in France alone, each French person buys on average 9.5 kg of textiles and shoes per year. However, in Europe, we get rid of 4 million tonnes of textiles each year. 80% of them are thrown away, while only 10 to 12% are resold second hand. Alarming figures.

When television commits to more virtuous fashion

The M6 ​​channel, in association with Refashion, the eco-organization of the Textile Sector, has therefore launched a new program to raise awareness among fashionistas of good environmental practices in fashion. The show, titled We are making fashion again, is made up of nine 12-minute episodes. Already available on the new M6+ streaming platform, it is hosted by host Erika Moulet and fashion journalist Séga. Jeans transformed into skirts, reinvented tops, restructured blouses… We’re making fashion again has a very specific objective : introduce the different candidates in the show to alternatives to consumption and wasting clothes. They will have the choice between recycling, repairing, reusing or restyling their old pieces by following the advice and tips of professional fashion designers. At the end of each episode, the candidates will have (re)discovered the hidden potential of the clothes they wanted to get rid of. With this program, M6 demonstrates for the second time in a few months its commitment to more sustainable fashion. In September 2023, the channel launched a show with Cristina Cordula called Dressing Challengeto familiarize viewers with the second hand.
