this new tool can open it in just seconds

this new tool can open it in just seconds

80% of locks have become obsolete due to the advancement of technology, according to the president of the Union of Security Locksmiths (UCES).

José Luis García Vicuña, president of the Union of Security Locksmiths (UCES) in Spain, says most locks are vulnerable to new tools designed to break into homes. Among all these tools, Vicuña warns of the famous Topolino, one of the most important advances of the last 30 years: “It’s very easy to use, it doesn’t make noise, it’s super fast and in addition, the copied key can be used at any time”.

The Turbo Fast Key Topolino, more commonly known as Topolino, uses the technique of printing to access the interior of a house: “We place the device in the cylinder of the lock and with a few very simple movements, it copies the key code and can be used at any time”. This process allows the cylinder to be opened without forcing it in less than a minute, thus giving burglars the possibility of gaining access to the interior of the house at their leisure.

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The Topolino © DR

What are the obsolete locks mentioned by José Luis García Vicuña? These are locks that are not 100% secure like those currently sold on the market: “These are locks that are not protected against bumping or printing, which are very commonly used now. These cylinders are also generally not anti-breakage or anti-drilling, which makes them more vulnerable to any possible attack”. There are tumbler key locks, those little flat keys with grooves on the sides, which open very easily”. If yours is not protected against these techniques, Juan Carlos Vázquez advises replacing it with a new one. So, which one to choose?Go for a lock that protects you against all these techniques mentioned above.But it is also important to check the keys included with these locks.

The normal and security keys that are common today are not as secure as they should be, because you can make as many copies as you want in any establishment. It is therefore necessary to opt for keys with controlled reproduction: the safest are those for which a card is needed to make a copy. Controlled duplication keys prevent third parties from making copies without your consent. If you leave the key with a neighbor, he will never be able to make a copy.

In short, if your lock is one of those that are obsolete and vulnerable to the techniques used by burglars, it is high time to replace it with a more secure lock. Opt for a lock that offers protection against bumping, indenting, breaking and drilling, and ensure the keys provided are duplicative to prevent unauthorized copying.
