Blue Eye Samurai has been available on Netflix since the beginning of November and tells the story of the samurai warrior Mizu, who wants to seek revenge in the 17th century. The series is an animated series aimed at older audiences and has many elements of anime and Japanese films.
What is Blue Eye Samurai?
Michael Green is involved in the series, having co-written and worked on masterpieces such as Logan and Blade Runner 2049. The series consists of 8 episodes that are almost 50 minutes long. You can watch all 8 episodes on Netflix.
Blue Eye Samurai – Trailer for the revenge series about a samurai in the 17th century
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Blue Eye Samurai has a 9.0 out of 10 on IMDb with 11,000 reviews and on Rotten Tomatoes the series currently has a critic score of 100% across 10 reviews and a user score of 95% across around 250 reviews. In addition to the story and the characters, the animation is also a positive point for many users.
Along with Season 2 of Invincible, this series is the next success of an animated series aimed at adults that delights viewers.
If you have already seen Blue Eye Samurai, then write us in the comments what you thought of the series.
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