This most common error makes your electrical installation very dangerous: what we should all check to stay safe

This most common error makes your electrical installation very dangerous

83% of French electrical installations have an anomaly. It is therefore crucial to take certain precautions and check whether your accommodation meets standards.

There are numerous domestic accidents, and some are often linked to poor electrical installation. This April 22, the Promotelec Association unveiled the results of the 2024 Barometer of the National Electrical Safety Observatory (ONSE) on the state of electrical installations in France. While our country has 36.8 million homes, including 31 million built before 2008, the barometer reveals that 83% of these electrical installations over 15 years old present at least one electrical anomaly. An anomaly being a provision affecting the safety of people. And the 16.6 million collective housing units are particularly affected, with 90% of electrical installations in common areas containing at least one electrical anomaly.

According to ONSE figures, the main anomaly concerns faulty earth connections and installations (63%). Next come outdated or unsuitable electrical equipment (46%), the risks of direct contact with live elements (41%) and anomalies on overcurrent protection devices (34%).

These anomalies are not without consequences and are the cause of 3000 trips to the emergency room each year, with 30 to 40 accidental deaths by electrocution per year. There were 286,000 declarations of electrical damage to insurance companies in 2021, mainly due to a failure of a component of the electrical installation or connected electrical equipment and overcurrents. These occur, for example, when a large current passes through electrical wires due to numerous electrical equipment connected via extension cords. A good point of vigilance for each of us when our power strips are often overloaded.

These alarming figures should lead us to have our electrical installation regularly checked by an electrician. An earth fault can have dramatic consequences and cause sparks and electric arcs, with a risk of electrocution and fire. Also be careful not to use outdated and unsuitable appliances, and to always plug your appliances into a suitable socket.
