This mom and her 3 daughters have never cut their hair and it’s not always easy

This mom and her 3 daughters have never cut their

An American mother and her 3 daughters have hair that could easily make Rapunzel green with envy. And for good reason, they never went to the hairdresser! Pictures.

Incredible but true ! Tere Lynn Svetlecich Russell is 43 years old and has been growing her hair since she was little. They now measure almost 190 cm and the forty-year-old does not seem ready to cut them. His daughters, Callan, Cendalyn and Chesney do the same and together they reach a length exceeding 4 meters. Nicknamed “the Rapunzel family” in reference to the Disney princess, none of them has ever cut their hair. And yet, they are neither damaged nor forked!

Is such long hair really possible?

According to a dermatologist interviewed in the Discovery Life report, it’s all about the gene. “The life cycle of hair consists of three phases: growth, resting and shedding. The growth phase can span from two to ten years. This limits how long hair grows, for most people.” she explained before adding thatfor a few rare exceptionsthere is a genetic change of hair growth. It can thus grow for ten years or more, without ever falling if it is not pulled out... In short, the majority of people cannot achieve this length, even if they never cut their hair.

How do you take care of such long hair?

Having such long hair is not easy. Tere Lynn Svetlecich Russell admits that sometimes she can be bothered by her hair: “I’ve had my hair sucked into a vacuum, stuck in the car door, stepped on during a baseball game…” And above all, they ask him a lot of maintenance. The mother explains that she cannot wash her hair in the shower because it would be too heavy. The weight of the wet hair would have even made her fall once! As for his daughters, they can use up to a quarter bottle of conditioner per wash and sometimes have to get help to reach the peaks.
