This method is foolproof to know if you are an attractive person

This method is foolproof to know if you are an

When it comes to seduction, we (almost) all lack self-confidence. What if you could know in just a few moments if you are an attractive person?

Am I a physically attractive person? Am I attractive or seductive? These questions may seem very superficial, but let’s agree that they sometimes occupy our thoughts. We have all wondered about this at one time or another. The answers were each time very difficult, because the subject is delicate.

Who to ask? To loved ones, to people you trust, to strangers? Fortunately, there are some seduction experts who can provide very useful keys and answers.

Most self-confidence consultants or specialists always point out the same thing: attractiveness is not always linked to a person’s physical appearance, but can also depend on their personality or behavior. The words “charisma” and “charm” come up regularly in their analyses. And of course, the part of personal or cultural subjectivity is important. That being said, it is possible to establish certain points that allow you to know if a person is attractive, with almost certainty.

This is what therapist, sexual and relationship coach Nicole Schafer highlights in the columns of the media Up Journey. She says that some people have “nice privilege”, that they are clearly attractive and that this constitutes real strength. And to be clear, she lists 5 more concrete elements to analyze:

  • Do you feel like babies look at you, laugh or smile at you a little more than others?
  • Are you generally able to land the position you are applying for, even if you feel you are not the most qualified?
  • Are authority figures, like your boss or a police officer, more lenient with you, even if you do things you shouldn’t?
  • Do people, known or unknown, often stop and compliment you out of the blue?
  • Do you receive more gifts than your friends, especially in the evening (free drinks or extras sent from the kitchen)?

If you answer yes to most or all of these questions, then you are an attractive person, there is no doubt about it. Remember all the same that attraction and seduction are built and evolve. It is particularly linked to self-confidence. If someone wants to approach you or find out who you are, you can tell yourself that you are attractive. Above all, be kind and thoughtful, attentive: everyone is attracted to kindness!
