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Marie Lanen
Head of parenting sections (baby, pregnancy, family), psychology and beauty

The most popular first names in France are not (necessarily) those that are most commonly given today. Moreover, the 10th most popular male first name had its record year of giving in 1972…
Worn by 301,000 people in France, this biblical first name (Old Testament) is among the top 200 most popular male first names. Doctissimo tells you everything about the first name David.
David, a very popular first name in the 1970s
According to the authors of the book L’Officiel des Prénoms (First Editions), the most popular first names are not necessarily the most popular today. In the reference book on first names, the experts reveal the top 50 most popular first names today. In 10th position is the first name David, which had its moment of glory in the 1970s in France and more particularly in 1972, a record year for the attribution of this first name. Outside of France, David has been very widespread in English-speaking countries since the Middle Ages, particularly in Scotland, which had two kings with the name. Despite its notoriety, this first name was rare before the middle of the 20th century in France. It met with great enthusiasm once rediscovered, making it a top 5 hit in France throughout the 1970s. David and its variants (Daoud, Davud, Davo, Davut, etc.) are found all over the world.
David means “beloved”, “darling” in Hebrew. A young shepherd in the Old Testament, David distinguished himself at the king’s court thanks to his talents as an outstanding poet and musician. He married the daughter of King Saul, and although he committed adultery with Bathsheba, his repentance was no less exemplary. Once king, David gathered the Hebrews and offered them Jerusalem as their capital. He is also famous for having defeated the giant Goliath with his sling, putting an end to the war between the Philistines and the army of Israel. This biblical episode inspired the works of Michelangelo, Titian and many other artists.
In terms of character, David is credited with commitment, tenacity, method, a sense of duty and reliability. A royal personality!
The craze for names from biblical sources
For several years, first names from biblical sources, and in particular those from the Old Testament, have been popular among future parents. Offering timeless sounds and a unique History, these first names remain a preferred choice in homes (believing or not). To inspire future parents, the authors of L’Officiel des Prénoms, Stéphanie Rapoport and Claire Tabarly Perrin, offer a list of male first names from biblical sources: Aaron, Abel, Adam, Amos, Ariel, Benjamin, Caleb, Dan, Daniel, David, Eden, Elijah, Emmanuel, Ethan, Ezekiel, Ezra, Gabriel, Ilan, Isaac, Jacob, Jeremiah, Joachim, Jonah, Joseph, Joshua, Manoah, Melchior, Moses, Nathan, Noa, Noam, Noah, Raphael, Reuben, Samuel, Saul, Simon, Tobias, Joel, Zechariah.