Fuel will be sold cheaper at more than 700 service stations of this major distributor during the summer.
Selling fuel at cost price, does that ring a bell? In fashion last fall, at the insistent request of the government at a time when prices at the pump were soaring, major operations to reduce the cost of diesel and gasoline are back this summer. Good news for many motorists who are getting ready to hit the road for their vacations. Today, the price of a liter of diesel is still displayed almost everywhere between 1.70 and 1.75 euros, it is even more expensive for Unleaded 95, sold on average at 1.85 euros in France, while Unleaded 98 very often exceeds 1.90 euros.
Obviously, it puts a big hole in your wallet when you have to fill up several times to cross or leave France. Especially since prices at gas stations have been rising since the beginning of June and that this is not likely to improve during the months of July and August. Fortunately, several major retailers have decided to cut back on their profits and offer fuel at cost price, therefore without making any margin, during the summer. Intermarché already did this during the first weekend of July, and should repeat the operation in the coming weeks. The U stores, and this will be a big first, will do the same. But another very large brand, never stingy with communication when it comes to discounts, will lower its prices.

Leclerc stores have indeed announced several fuel operations at cost price this summer. When are they scheduled? The first one this weekend, between July 19 and 21. The other two will take place in August, first between the 2nd and 4th, at the time of a major coming and going on the roads, then from the 16th to the 18th, when many French people will return from vacation. A desire for the brand to support purchasing power while ensuring that it attracts many motorists to its service stations – it has 725 in France – and therefore possibly to its supermarkets.
Knowing that the margin of the big brands on the sale of fuel is very low, the savings made by motorists during these operations remain marginal. It is most often necessary to count between 3 and 4 cents of gain per liter, or about 2 euros on a full tank. Not enough to jump for joy, but when you have to go to the pump three or four times in the space of two or three weeks, it is always better than nothing.