This little-known pregnancy symptom allowed a beautician to reveal a client’s pregnancy

This little known pregnancy symptom allowed a beautician to reveal a

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    Tight breasts, nausea, late periods… Most of the symptoms of early pregnancy are well known. But there is one that we rarely talk about and which allowed a beautician to notify one of her clients of her pregnancy. Find out which one.

    Discovering her pregnancy at the beautician was the funny mishap that happened to Laura, a young Australian who told her story on the Internet.

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    The young woman told her story in a video where she explains that she discovered her pregnancy during her appointment with the beautician. The young woman says that she was only 17 years old at the time and that she came to have her bikini line waxed for the first time.

    Out of modesty, she had put on a short skirt and asked the professional to remove her hair with it, only pulling it up. When applying the wax, the young woman is abnormally sensitive to its temperature, as well as to the hair removal itself. She describes the pain as “excruciating” even though she was used to removing hair using this technique.

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    In the same way, the beautician does not understand the young person’s sensitivity to the temperature of the wax, because it is not hot. “It’s really not hot” she said, spreading wax in the crook of her elbow, says Laura. That’s when she understood and told him: “You’re pregnant, right? ?”

    To which the young girl immediately retorted: “Absolutely not !“. Thinking about it, Laura ended up wondering when her last period was and finally, her pregnancy was indeed confirmed.

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    What are the first signs of pregnancy?

    The beautician was able to guess that the young girl was pregnant because during pregnancy, women are more sensitive to heat and pain, especially in the genitals.

    There are in fact symptoms that are well known to women, such as late periods or tension in the chest, warning of the start of pregnancy.

    Others, such as an acne breakout, mood disorders, sleep disorders, weight gain or loss, hypersalivation or even gynecological disorders such as vaginal discharge are less known. If in doubt, it is recommended to take a pregnancy test or see a doctor for a blood test to determine whether or not you are pregnant.

    The 10 taboo symptoms of pregnancy

    Slide: The 10 taboo symptoms of pregnancy
