This little gesture to avoid at work (it makes everyone uncomfortable)

This little gesture to avoid at work it makes everyone

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    In the professional world, certain attitudes can trigger a feeling of confidence, while others, however, should be avoided. Among them, a specific gesture when you approach a colleague could even be a source of discomfort. But which one?

    Interaction, and the way you present yourself in the professional world is an important part of the job. Being comfortable with your hierarchy and colleagues requires a series of social codes that you generally acquire with experience. But a way of presenting yourself, based on a good feeling, would nevertheless be harmful and would have every chance of making your interlocutor feel uncomfortable in front of you.

    An awkward handshake

    This attitude to avoid is the handshake… too long. Because if we often think that a good handshake demonstrates your motivation and your charisma (who likes limp and limp handshakes honestly?) A handshake that is too long can, on the other hand, worry or embarrass your interlocutor. And it’s a study that says so.

    No more than 3 seconds

    In 2019, a study carried out by Scottish researchers from the University of Dundee revealed that a handshake that was too long had negative consequences on relationships and work meetings. Of the 36 people tested for the goods in their investigation, handshakes lasting 3 seconds or more generated stress and anxiety. The participants all showed signs of visible anxiety, smiled less and laughed less than those who received a shorter handshake. In fact, they were not very receptive after this first contact either.

    If you want to impress a client or your boss, choose a firm but short grip to get into the matter and capture attention without embarrassment.

    30 quotes about work

    Slide: 30 quotes about work
