This little detail in your messages would make it easier to get a second appointment

This little detail in your messages would make it easier

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    Are you looking for the person to spend your summer (or your life) with? Know that in the game of seduction, a small detail could make the difference in the messages you send to the desired person. And it’s science that says it.

    Seducing a person sometimes involves small details that can make the difference. A topic of conversation, attention, or even… a powerful SMS message. But to optimize your chances of getting into a relationship, it is better to place one or two well-known elements there.

    The emoji, your seduction ally… and more if you like

    This unexpected element is the emoji, which allows you to break the ice, make your recipient smile, express an emotion… and it’s even science that announces it. According to an American study, published in the journal PLoS ONEpeople who use emojis in their messages would increase their chances of getting a second date, or even getting more romantic and sexual interactions during the first year of the couple’s relationship.

    This first finding was discovered by researchers from the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University and Lake Forest College in Illinois. Researchers surveyed 5,300 American adults aged 18 to 94 to study the link between emoji use and connections between people.

    Participants were asked how often they used emojis in messages for a potential “date.” They were then asked how many first dates they had been on in the past year, as well as how many times they had sex in the past year.

    “Using emoji/emoticons was associated with more first dates and more frequent sexual activity in the past year”the researchers said.

    A second, more accessible meeting

    As part of the project, a second, smaller study involving 275 single American adults examined whether using emoji was more or more likely to secure someone a second date. Participants ranged in age from 18 to 71, with an average age of 30. Once again, emojis seemed to have the desired effect: those who used emojis more often with potential dates reported a greater number of second dates. This second study also confirmed the main findings of the first: emoji use was again associated with more frequent sexual activity in the past year, as well as a greater number of sexual partners in the past year. of the past year.

    An emotional (or sexual) signal revealed more simply

    Unfortunately, the study authors didn’t look at the specific type of emoji sent. It is therefore impossible to know whether a scandalous eggplant or a cheeky wink has managed to move or titillate the recipient. The study also didn’t ask people how they felt when they received an emoji.

    It’s unclear exactly why emojis are linked to greater success in dating, but researchers suggest it might be because they help us clearly communicate sexual desire.

    “Emojis appear to be an important aspect of social behavior in today’s digital world and can be used strategically as emotional signals, particularly in the realm of human courtship”they said.

    When words are lacking, in fact, it is sometimes simpler to make, or send, a drawing.

    Hands, lips... Decode the signs during a first date!

    Slide: Hands, lips… Decode the signs during a first date!
