This little beast is colonizing your bathroom – here is a formidable product to eliminate them

This little beast is colonizing your bathroom here is

This nocturnal insect loves to settle in bodies of water. Here is an effective solution to keep them away once and for all.

Silverfish, these small, silvery and fast insects, can quickly become a real nightmare in our homes from spring onwards, especially in the bathrooms. These little nocturnal critters love dark, damp environments, making them perfect unwanted residents for our water features. Their presence, although generally harmless to humans, can cause considerable damage to wallpaper, books, clothing, curtains, etc.

But how do these intruders manage to infiltrate our homes and, more importantly, how can we effectively eliminate them? They are attracted to humidity and heat, two conditions often found in bathrooms. Cracks in walls, gaps around pipes, and baseboards are all places where they can hide and breed. Their varied diet includes skin scraps, mold, paper and even some textiles, which is why they can attack various objects in your home.

If you see one of these little creatures, you must act quickly because they reproduce at great speed. They often appear in our homes in the spring, it is at this time that they begin their reproduction cycle. The first thing to do is not to offer them an environment conducive to their installation. Remove the natural baits that attract them by cleaning the bathroom thoroughly and regularly to remove skin flakes, hair, soap residue, etc. Ventilate your bathroom well after a shower to avoid humidity.

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You can also seal holes and cracks so that silverfish do not move in to reproduce. Then, a product that works wonders to get rid of it is borax. Put a little borax in all the places where insects pass. It will act by dehydrating them. Caution, do not put this product in areas accessible to children and pets, as it may be harmful if swallowed. If you don’t have borax, you can also use baking soda.

You can also make a natural repellent by putting a few drops of peppermint or lavender essential oil on a cotton ball and placing them in different places in your bathroom. You can also dilute them in water and spray them on areas infested with silverfish. The smell will repel them.
