This is why your hair is falling out! To get bushy and healthy hair…

This is why your hair is falling out To get

Although the most common cause of hair loss is hereditary tendency, many factors such as various diseases, unbalanced diet, side effects of some drugs, stress-inducing factors, faulty hair styling and exaggerated or inappropriate hair care products can cause hair loss. If hair loss, which is a serious concern for almost all of us, is not actually caused by an important health problem or is not an advanced hereditary loss, we can regain shiny and lush hair with the treatments applied.


Acıbadem Ataşehir Hospital Dermatology Specialist Dr. Züleyha Özgen pointed out that there are many treatment options applied according to the cause of hair loss, “Today, we use various methods to stop hair loss, improve the quality of hair and activate new hair growth. Although it varies according to the underlying factor, it is usually possible to restore the hair to a much better condition with the use of the right treatments, which are started in the early period and applied patiently.


Since no method is 100 percent effective, we increase our chances of success by using treatment methods together or alternately. Dermatology Specialist Dr. Züleyha Özgen talked about the precautions you should take against hair loss and the methods applied; made important recommendations and warnings.


Incorrect applications in hair care are among the most common factors that cause hair loss. When these habits are abandoned, it is possible to have thick hair as before. Dermatology Specialist Dr. Züleyha Özgen lists the rules you should pay attention to to prevent excessive hair loss:

  • Avoid pulling your hair tight.
  • Do not use exaggerated and frequent styling products.
  • Do not wash your hair often. You can wash every other day or twice a week.
  • Dry gently with a towel, not harshly.
  • Do not dry with high temperature hair dryers.
  • Do not blow dry every week.
  • Do not expose your hair to chemicals with processes such as Brazilian blowout, perming, bleaching and dyeing.
  • Choose shampoos and conditioners that contain mild chemicals.
  • Take care to comb your hair gently. Do not touch and pull frequently.
  • Avoid heavy diets.


If the measures we take against hair loss are not enough, various methods applied today according to the underlying cause; it can stop hair loss, increase its quality and activate new hair growth. Dermatology Specialist Dr. Züleyha Özgen lists these methods as follows:



It is a treatment method approved by the FDA (American Pharmaceutical Association). In order to see the effectiveness of this method, which has been accepted as the gold standard in treatment until today, it should be applied to the scalp for at least 4-5 months. When the treatment is stopped, the process continues from where it left off, so long-term use is recommended.



In the platelet-rich plasma, also known as PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) method, a small amount of blood taken from the person is placed in a special tube and centrifuged, that is, separated. Plasma enriched in platelet and growth factors obtained; Successful results can also be obtained when applied back to the scalp by injection or locally applied to the scalp after microneedling methods such as dermapen. PRP is a very safe treatment option in terms of side effects in patients who want a fast effect. Dermatology Specialist Dr. Züleyha Özgen said, “The PRP method, which is performed every year between 3-6 sessions with one month intervals, provides very satisfactory responses when combined with other treatments. The success of the treatment may vary depending on the method of obtaining the platelet-enriched plasma and the individual.



Peptide, vitamins and hormones that will support hair growth in the mesotherapy method made with a wide variety of cocktails; It is given directly to the hair follicles with needles. Dermatology Specialist Dr. Emphasizing that the success of the treatment varies from person to person and the mesotherapy products used, Züleyha Özgen said, “This method is applied annually with one month intervals and between 3-6 sessions. It is frequently preferred by patients because of the rapid responses from the procedures performed with the right mesotherapy products.



Stem cells taken from the body fat and hair follicles are multiplied under special laboratory conditions and injected back into the hair follicles with a needle. Stem cell therapy, which can be performed in 1-2 sessions a year, can have an effect between 2-5 years. This method, together with other treatments, gives very satisfactory results.
