This is why Swedes drink less alcohol: “A trend”

The reduction is unusually large, says Björn Trolldal, investigator at the Central Association for Alcohol and Narcotics Information, CAN. – We assess that it is partly due to the economic situation, where people have less money to buy alcohol with. For one thing, we have also seen a long-term trend towards reduced consumption. In the last ten years, consumption has decreased by a total of ten percent, says Björn Trolldal. Björn Trolldal emphasizes that consumption has decreased for several years among younger people, and that this behavior has gradually become normalized in the population, as these generations have also become older. Weakened economy The weakened economy was reflected in several ways in the decline in 2023. – A subset that has decreased quite a lot is travel revenue, which is affected both by the krona’s deteriorating exchange rate and higher fuel prices, which affected people’s willingness to go down to Germany and buy cheap alcohol there , says Björn Trolldal.
