This is where you should go for the best sports holiday weather: “Varies a lot”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Another sports holiday week will soon begin, when among others Stockholm, Karlstad and Borlänge will all get a long-awaited day off.

This is what the weather is like in southern Sweden during the sports holiday.

This is what the skiing weather will be like in the Stockholm region

A popular ski resort in the Stockholm region is Flottsbro. Here, the snow will lie on the slopes all week and there are also good chances for really good skiing weather as the sun is expected to come out from the middle of the week.

– If you want a lot of snow on the slopes and good skiing weather, you should go to northern Svealand, says Charlotte Erikssonmeteorologist at SMHI to News24.

Get a full overview of how Sweden is doing in the ski WC here.

This is how the skiing weather will be in the northern parts of the country

For those moving further north, for example to the popular destination Kungsberget, the skiing weather here is also expected to be really good. Subzero degrees at night are interspersed with occasional plus degrees during the day, which also provide good chances of sunshine.

– However, there will not be much precipitation as the weather is mostly dry in these regions.

If we move instead to perhaps one of the most popular destinations for skiing, Sälen, there will be good skiing weather all week.

– The temperature pattern is the same, there is a lot of cloud versus days with a lot of sun. Snow may drift in from the west as Sälen will be affected by north-westerly winds. If you want a lot of snow on the slopes and really good sports holiday weather from that point of view, you should be in the northern parts of the country, explains Charlotta Eriksson.
