In the Star Trek universe, William Shatner was the first to play the role of Captain James T. Kirk. In the meantime he has met his two successors, Chris Pine and Paul Wesley – and shares his opinion about it.
“I just wish I looked that good”: Star Trek star William Shatner on his Kirk colleagues
The site Screen Rant pointed out Shatner’s connection to the character of Captain Kirk in 2024. Shatner embodied this for 28 years before he died in Star Trek VII – Meeting of the Generations – and never returned. But this does not apply to Kirk himself.
In the 2009 reboot, we learn that Kirk is still alive in an alternate timeline – played by Chris Pine. In the more recent series Star Trek: Strange New Worlds we see Paul Wesley, a younger version of the Kirk that Shatner originally embodied.
Shatner, now 93 years old, can look back on a film career that has spanned more than seventy years. Director Alexandre O. Philippe took this as an opportunity to make a documentary, William Shatner: You Can Call Me Bill, which was released in 2023. The performances of Paul Wesley and Chris Pine were also discussed.
Actually William Shatner looks favorably on his successors:
You are wonderful. I just wish I looked as good as her and her peers as an actor.
Apparently, Shatner welcomed the continuation of his role.
This is how the Kirks met in real life
In 2011, William Shatner created his own documentary, The Captains, in which he personally interviewed Chris Pine about his role.
His encounter with Paul Wesley was purely coincidental: the two actors were sitting in neighboring seats during a flight. Shatner took the opportunity to congratulate his fellow actor on his performance.