This is what viewers should know about Pål Schakonat

This is what viewers should know about Pal Schakonat

This text is a column with opinions that are the writer’s own and not Nyheter24’s.

I’ll be completely honest with you all and say that I really dislike people who can’t behave normally in various everyday circumstances. For example, who become cranky when they are stressed or hungry.

Sharpen up and join the ranks of the rest of us.

But being exposed for a long time to hunger, sand fleas, heat and idiots – I understand that can eat away at the mood.

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I don’t really think we’ve talked enough about how impressive it is with the participants in Robinson who over the years kept their spirits up, were good leaders in the team, pulled their strings and stayed reasonably normal on the island. Sometimes food and secret immunities have been offered, which many have opted out of in order to instead take a prize that benefits the whole team.

So it’s almost always “one cake each”, which has made you pull your hair out a bit to then accept that a big heart might last longer on the island than a big ego.

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But in the same way that I am fascinated by people who can maintain their humility and generosity under hunger and pressure, I am shocked by how strange people can be.

Excuse my French, but Pål Schakonat’s character on the island has made my corneas burn, my ears fall off and my insides basically come up.

That Pål is a special point must not have escaped anyone. But during the joint meal where he ate a brie cheese by himself and devoured various things, it almost took the prize. The same thing about the whole carousel where he ruined people’s cooking and on the coup gave food poisoning to other participants.

He also searched for the secret immunity when he himself was immune and hung around like a leech during the immunity contest.

But it doesn’t stop there.

When the participants then tell about it all to Anders Lundin Pål exclaims in a deep, unpleasant laugh that chased me in my sleep more than The Blair Witch Project. He looks like he’s going into some kind of unpleasant trance? The laughter has definitely remained since childhood, because things like that escalate with age.

The other participants tell Anders Lundin that they had some problems with Pål. Image source: TV4

I don’t think that Pål has changed on the island because of the harsh circumstances – but that he is EXACTLY the same on the outside. He doesn’t feel like the one who throws up the bill to take the first round at the bar, books that Uber during the night out or makes guacamole on more than two avocados for a dinner for eight.

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They usually say “Money doesn’t make you an asshole, you’re an asshole because you’re an asshole”. But I’m really saying the same thing here: Robinson Island doesn´t make you a greedy elf piss pear purse, you’re a greedy elf piss pear purse because you’re a greedy elf piss pear purse.
