This is what Swedes are most dissatisfied with at work

This is what Swedes are most dissatisfied with at work

In Sweden, with a population of just over 10.5 million, a little more than half are employed. In June this year, the figure was measured more precisely at just over 5.4 million employed, according to Statistics Sweden.

With the help of industry organizations and trade unions, there is an opportunity as an employee to get help, advice and sometimes even legal support in case of dissatisfaction and irregularities in the workplace. This is information that most trade unions use for statistics.

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Dissatisfaction differs from industry to industry

News24 have spoken with, among others, the trade union Vision, which has members from the municipality, region, the church and private companies in welfare.

They say that their members mainly experience dissatisfaction when it comes to whether or not they have influence in the workplace.

For example, it can be about how you have the power to be able to influence how your own work is laid out, what should be prioritized and when you can take a break.

– Those who are dissatisfied have too little influence and/or feel that they lack the conditions to do a good job, says Vision’s press secretary Maria Martinsson and refers to their work environment survey.

In Vision’s opinion, employers need to listen to the employees and give them greater influence because it is the employees who know how the job is done in the best way.

– The greater the influence, the higher the percentage of satisfaction, says Maria Martinsson.

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“This creates concern about how to make a living,” says Ola Palmgren of the trade union Handels. Photo: Amir Nabizadeh/TT”Some cannot afford to take vacation”

Among trade union members, who organize workers in shops, warehouses, hairdressing and beauty, the income situation is the biggest dissatisfaction.

– In the industry, employment is usually offered with a low part-time measure, i.e. few hours on the contract. Then you get to work overtime when there are free shifts. This creates concern about how to make a living, says, Ola PalmgrenHead of Communications, at the trade union, and continues:

– Some cannot afford to take vacation, but take the paid leave in cash instead. In addition, frustration is created when employers hire new co-workers instead of increasing the hours for those who are already working, despite the fact that you have notified the employer that you want to have increased employment standards, he says to News24.

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Top 3 dissatisfactions

According to the trade unions that Nyheter24 has spoken to, the main dissatisfaction boils down to this:

  • Low influence over work
  • Too high workload
  • Worry about not being able to make a living
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