This is what is happening now at Moviepilot

This is what is happening now at Moviepilot

We love pop culture and we love diversity. That’s why we want to celebrate Pride Month and focus more on queer topics with articles and in our podcast Streamgestöber.

Pride Month takes place every year in June. This month, people around the world are remembering the birth of Pride Month during the Stonewall riots in 1969. You can read more about it at the BPB, or watch the excellent documentaries Before Stonewall and After Stonewall.

For a whole month, the aim is to raise awareness and address the experiences of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender people, queer people and all other sexual orientations and gender identities – LGBTQ+ for short.

In 2024, queer people – including in Germany – are still exposed to a great deal of discrimination and appalling violence, as can be read in the Lesbian and Gay Association and the Human Rights Campaign. Pride Month aims to bring LGBTQ+ love and issues to the publicfurther normalize, break down prejudices and represent diversity.

A lot has happened in the last 10 years, but there is still much more to be done

Many series and film franchises have already made it their mission to focus on queer people from across the LGBTQ+ spectrum. Streaming giant Netflix in particular has been a pioneer here with major mainstream series such as Orange Is the New Black, Sense8 and Sex Education, all of which celebrate and normalize diversity with big budgets and large audiences.

Some major US broadcasters and film and series makers in this country have also now realized that diversity should be celebrated and not hidden. But just like with multimillion-dollar cinema blockbusters like the MCU or Star Wars, there is still a lot of catching up to do here.

Because LGBTQ+ love and everyday topics should not remain a niche – even though there are plenty of indie gems to discover.

At Moviepilot you can read and hear articles and more about LGBTQ+ topics during Pride Month 2024

This month at Moviepilot we are focusing more on series, film series and the year 2024: Where does something need to change? What has already changed? What do we want to celebrate? In this article we collect all the text contributions, podcast episodes and lists that we create in Pride Month 2024.

All Moviepilot contributions to Pride Month 2024

We’re starting Pride Month at Moviepilot with two lists. You can find out about the best queer new releases in the second half of 2024. We’ve also expanded our comprehensive list of our favorite LGBTQ+ characters in series.

Every week we add our articles, lists and podcast episodes on queer topics here. It’s worth checking back regularly.
