This is what half of single parents in love fear

This is what half of single parents in love fear

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    When you’re a single parent, getting started with dating can be intimidating. But one step in particular seems to scare the French, reveals the Even application.

    Did you know ? In France, single parenthood concerns more than 1 in 4 families in France, or 2 million families where children live with a single parent, without a cohabiting spouse. A pattern that can complicate romantic relationships.

    Summer vacations are synonymous with stress… and new encounters

    To better understand the privacy and apprehensions of these young parents as summer approaches, the application Evendedicated to single parents, carried out a major study with the survey company IPSOS.

    Faced with the multiple challenges that single-parent families must overcome (financial difficulties, problems linked to reconciling professional and family life, etc.), Even decided to take a closer look at this category of the population, by conducting a study with Ipsos Digital – in March 2024.

    Result ? First observation according to the study, carried out in March 2024 among 1,000 French single parents with children under the age of 18:

    “LSummer vacations are synonymous with stress for 1 single parent out of 3 (organization and logistics). However, vacations remain special times with children“, relates the study.

    This summer period is in fact an opportunity to rest, with or without the children (for 48% of participants) but also to do “new meetings” (for 55% of them).

    However, if the majority of these single parents want to meet love (again), they fear one moment in particular: the famous act.

    According to Even, half of single parents “say they are nervous about considering intimate relationships with a new partner” And “55% of them dread this moment “a little” or “a lot”, particularly mothers (58%) and those over 45 (63%)“.

    Parents with sole custody are more anxious

    If this figure already seems significant, what can we say about the 25% who fear these relationships “a lot”?

    This feeling is even stronger among parents who have sole custody (28%) of their children compared to those who have joint custody (19%).

    Furthermore, only “3 out of 10 parents” declare that they have no apprehension regarding acting out with a partner.

    Hands, lips... Decode the signs during a first date!

    Slide: Hands, lips… Decode the signs during a first date!
