This is what a man’s or woman’s perfect butt looks like (according to science)

This is what a mans or womans perfect butt looks

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    Plump, luscious, more or less imposing? We now know what the most attractive buttocks (female and male) look like according to two studies carried out on the subject. And the answer is not necessarily the most expected.

    Which buttocks do you like the most? The question may seem a little superficial, but it has nevertheless been the subject of several studies which today provide us with their results and will not fail to interest more than one person. However, they are based on the opinion of an American panel and could differ depending on cultures.

    For women, more natural buttocks than Kardashian fashion

    A first study was carried out by plastic surgeons from Loma Linda University in California. These recruited 1,100 men and women and asked them to examine photos of eight different sets of female buttocks with different waist-to-hip ratios, which the doctors had generated digitally. The amount of body fat inside the buttocks also varied between the images.

    According to scientists, the higher a person’s waist-to-hip ratio, the more fat they have around their waist, making their butt less curvy. And the smaller the waist-to-hip ratio, the less fat they have around their waist, making their butt more curvy.

    • The researchers discovered that buttocks with a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.65 were the most popular;
    • In second place is the slightly lower ratio of 0.60;
    • And the buttocks considered the least attractive had the lowest waist-to-hip ratio, at 0.55.



    The “Brazilian butt lift” effect is no longer popular

    Commenting on the women’s results, Dr Marc Everett, a plastic surgeon in New York, told the DailyMail: “Thehe mid-2010s brought an explosion in popularity of the “Brazilian Butt Lift” or BBL [une procédure dans laquelle un médecin transfère de la graisse du ventre, des hanches ou des cuisses jusqu’aux fesses]driven by plus-size celebrities including Khloe Kardashian or Cardi B. But the ideal butt is far from the extreme proportions seen in many popular A-list women famous for their hourglass figures.”

    Today, on the other hand, a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.6 and below seems quite exaggerated and difficult to consider natural.

    In men, a moderately sized but well defined buttocks

    In a separate study of 2,000 men and women, participants viewed five images of male buttocks from three angles: behind, in a curve, and from the side. Participants ranked the images from 1 to 5: 5 being the most attractive, and their scores were then combined to get an overall number. For these buttocks, a gluteal-trochanteric index (GTI) was required, measured by dividing the distance between the thinnest point of the waist and the bottom of the buttocks by the widest point of the buttocks. The measurement differs from that of women because fat is not distributed in the same way.

    The results showed that a gluteal-trochanteric index (GTI) of 0.66 was the most popular, meaning that the buttocks are approximately 34% larger than the distance between the waist and the bottom of the buttocks. That is, the male buttocks ranked number 1 were also moderate in size, but the contours of the muscles were more defined.



    And for Dr. Ashit Patel, a North Carolina plastic surgeon who led the study, this isn’t just about butts, but tips for future procedures. “Our study is one of the first to really focus on what makes men’s buttocks most attractive. We believe the results will be useful in discussions with patients considering gluteal enhancement and provide guidance for achieving optimal results and patient satisfaction.”
