This is the tea to favor after 60 years: it improves sleep and cognitive functions

This is the tea to favor after 60 years it

You may know him without knowing it.

Sleeping well allows for good physical, psychological and intellectual recovery. But it is not always easy to fall asleep, especially with age. Aging is associated with poorer quality sleep. And this has consequences: sleeping less than 6 hours per night between the ages of 50 and 60 increases the risk of dementia by 30%, recall the authors of a study published in “PLOS ONE”. In this research, they highlighted the interest of a particular tea in improving cognitive function and sleep in the elderly.

The scientists used data from 99 people aged between 60 and 85. Among them, 64 had subjective cognitive decline and 35 had mild cognitive impairment. They were randomly divided into two groups: the intervention group and the control group. The intervention group received 2 grams of the famous tea per day for 12 months. The control group received at the same time another drink that had the same appearance, color and smell as the tea.

Ultimately, tea improved the ability to maintain attention, as did the intervention group’s social acuity, i.e. their ability to perceive emotions. That’s not all, a trend towards improved sleep quality was also observed among tea drinkers. But what is it?

This is matcha tea, a Japanese drink rich in vitamins C and E, minerals, magnesium and potassium. “Despite the presence of caffeine, which disrupts sleep, matcha has been shown to have a sleep-enhancing effect.” scientists explain in their study. The effect of matcha tea on sleep could be attributed to its theanine content, the level of which increased in the study subjects. This is an amino acid that helps with relaxation and the reduction of anxiety and stress.

Regular matcha consumption may improve emotional perception and sleep quality in older adults with mild cognitive decline” conclude the researchers. It is possible to drink it every day at a rate of 2 to 3 cups. The opportunity to also benefit from its stimulating and antioxidant benefits.
