Only one detail can make them lose all their bearings.
Many people think that cats cannot get lost in the wild because of their innate instinct and their sharp senses. According to this idea, they would be able to find their way, even after having traveled long distances. And yet it happens that felines get lost. It is also the fear of many owners: getting your cat out and not seeing him come in after several calls. In principle, most cats accustomed to get out of their environment well, but that does not shelter them from the unexpected.
Indeed, according to Katia Guillet, feline behaviorist and book author “55 received ideas on cats” (Opportuncun editions), “It only takes an element to scare them” And so make them lose all their bearings. This can be the noise of a firecracker, a fireworks, a car arriving at high speed or a dog that suddenly barks. At the time, hearing such a scary noise, which also often occurs by surprise, any cat would not feel safe.
This is what happens in general when there are fireworks. The specialist explains it in her work: “We often advise to keep our cats inside our homes during this type of event, because it is particularly intense and scary” for them and even for “Our canine friends”. You must therefore be particularly vigilant and monitor your animal if there are unusual and powerful noises outside. If this is the case, do not hesitate to bring it inside your house by approaching it slowly.
And if it is the first time that he puts his little muzzle outside, accompany him first with a leash and a harness to show him the surroundings of his house. He can thus create benchmarks, because “A cat that has never been released is more likely to get lost [s’il] has never known the outside (noise, smells) “underlines the feline behaviorist.