Many motorists are verbalized, only one practice is not prohibited by the highway code.
The police verbalize some 5,000 motorists each year on the emergency stopping bands (BDU). A number which only too little reflects reality as we see more and more behaviors prohibited on this path placed right to the right of the roadway on the highways. The emergency stop band, with a width of approximately 3 meters, is a safety device that appeared on the highway axes in France from the 1960s. It should allow drivers in difficulty to park without hindering traffic other vehicles.
But we cannot do what you want, even if it is sometimes tempting to borrow it. Especially during traffic jams when this path seems to want to tell us “What are you waiting for to roll on it I am free, you will save time.” But article R421-7 of the highway code stipulates that stopping without reason or circulating on the emergency stop band are strictly prohibited practices. So quickly forget the idea of taking a break in this safety corridor, whether to eat, pass a phone call or make an exchange of drivers.

Before wanting to put the wheels of his vehicle on a strip of emergency stops, any driver must absolutely know what gives him the right to stop there. And there is only one valid reason: when he has no choice but to stop immediately. This is the case for a serious breakdown which no longer allows the vehicle to move forward – following an accident or a mechanical problem – or if a passenger makes a discomfort. Passengers are then asked to switch on the distress lights, place their signaling triangle at least 30 meters behind their car (as far as possible), then get safety behind the safety slide while waiting for help .
Police vehicles, firefighters, ambulances and tow trucks are the only ones to be authorized to circulate on the emergency stop gang to help motorists in danger. For all the others, they are exposed to a fine of 135 euros. A sanction which is accompanied by the loss of 3 points on the driving license for those intercepted rolling on it to go up the queues. It is expensive for some overruns …