This is the municipality’s plan for Gävle beach

In addition to housing and other businesses taking up space, they want to create life and movement and connect the site to the sea and nature. There is also a big focus on sustainability and it is being discussed whether rainwater can be used, among other things.

At the same time, the municipality has a large environmental debt in the form of pollution in the ground, which they need to deal with first.

The recession is nothing to worry about

To find out what the public wants to see in the area, the municipality published a survey on the website. 1071 people responded, and there were many creative suggestions. A mixture of urban environment and outdoor life is what is most popular.

As far as the recession is concerned, there is nothing to worry about at the moment, as construction is further along in the future.

– Nothing will start construction until 2028 at the earliest, and before then the recession will hopefully have turned around, says Elin Byström.
