These two products are enough to eliminate bad odors from your pipes in no time. It’s magic!
Unpleasant odors coming from the pipes are common in the kitchen, bathroom, or toilet. They infiltrate the ambient air, creating an uncomfortable and sometimes unbearable atmosphere. In addition to causing olfactory discomfort, these odors can also indicate a malfunction in the pipes, a build-up of residue, mold and bacteria, or a dry trap.
Faced with this situation, many people turn to commercially available chemical products, the famous “unblockers” without knowing that a more natural and equally effective solution is at hand: baking soda and white vinegar. This grandmother’s tip, often forgotten in favor of modern solutions, is nevertheless one of the most effective methods and promises to solve the problem of bad smells coming from the pipes in a short time. You still need to have the right method and the right dosage…

Another advantage of this method, unlike the harsh chemicals available on the market, is that it is based on natural products that do not pose any danger to health or the environment. These substances do not release toxic fumes and do not pose any risk in case of contact with the skin or eyes. It is therefore an ideal solution for homes with children or pets.
How to get rid of bad smells? Pour 200 g of baking soda into the pipe to be treated. Slowly add 250 ml of white vinegar, and let the effervescent reaction take place for about 15 minutes. Rinse with boiling water to remove dissolved residue.
The combination of baking soda and white vinegar is based on a simple but powerful chemical reaction. Baking soda is a mild base that has abrasive and anti-odor properties, while white vinegar is an acidic solution with antibacterial and antifungal properties. When these two elements are combined, their properties cancel each other out, making them useless for cleaning. However, their combination causes an immediate and significant effervescent reaction. This chemical reaction dislodges residue accumulated in the pipes, such as grease, hair or even food leftovers, which are responsible for bad odors. As a bonus, vinegar disinfects and eliminates bacteria that proliferate in the pipes. And that’s it!