This is the hardest part of the body to accept after 50 – almost all women face the same complex

This is the hardest part of the body to accept

An IFOP study has shown which part of the body is the most problematic for women over 50. Find out.

Middle age is often synonymous with great upheavals, marked by the arrival of menopause. Result ? The body changes and certain complexes develop, but there is one in particular that makes life difficult for women over 50, according to an IFOP study, conducted on the occasion of World Menopause Day, October 18.

The number 1 physical complex for women over 50

If one might have thought that wrinkles were the biggest problem for women after 50, that is not the case! While 9 out of 10 women are self-conscious about at least one part of their body, the area that suits them least is the stomach, a source of complexes for 75% of them. According to the study which surveyed 1000 French women concerned by the subject of aging, 6 out of 10 women (compared to 5 in 2007) would like to act more effectively on this area which is particularly sensitive to the hormonal changes of menopause. Come next arms (64%) and face (61%)sources, too, of significant complexes.

The parts of the body that cause the least complexes

If the chest, neck, bust and thighs have also been cited among the biggest physical complexes after the age of 50, on the contrary, the parts of the body least looked at by women are buttocks and legs with 42% each. But all these complexes should not be taken lightly since 39% of women over 50 say they have felt a moral impact because of the physical upheavals linked to menopause. Proof that there is still a long way to go before the passage of years is no longer perceived as something negative.
