This is the German music industry’s Metoo moment

Rammsteins lawyers are taking countermeasures against sexual assault allegations made

Investigative journalist Daniel Drepper the singer of Rammstein didn’t have to suffer terribly Till Lindemann’s in investigating improper behavior. When the reporter read stories from female fans about Lindemann’s follow-up party on social media, Drepper simply announced on social media that he could tell him more about similar experiences.

– I had a hunch that this would be a big deal. A large number of people contacted me, and 12 hours later we spoke with the first, and the next day already with several female fans.

Four days later the southern German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung published his article Lindemann’s alleged inappropriate behavior.

Drepper leads investigative journalism projects in the joint team of SZ, the North German broadcaster NDR and the West German broadcaster WDR.

Drepper has solid experience in Metoo news: Among other things, he was writing exposé stories that led to the editor-in-chief of the Bild tabloid in 2021 By Julian Reichelt for separation. Reichelt had systematically promoted his mistress to management positions at Bild.

The pattern repeats itself across Europe

A few weeks after the publication of the Lindemann case, the Berlin prosecutor’s office opened a preliminary investigation into two cases related to sexual abuse, sexual violence or rape.

What do we now know for sure, what Lindemann has done and what he hasn’t?

– It is important to maintain the presumption of innocence. But the pattern is quite clear: All over Europe, similar experiences, from numerous women who don’t know each other, says Drepper.

At the moment it seems that Lindemann and his “role players” Alena Makeeva have selected young female fans with a precise system to the front row of the concerts and from there to the openly sexual after parties. In these, some of the female fans claim to have experienced sexual violence or to have been drugged.

Drepper says that even if Lindemann is ultimately not convicted of anything, the inappropriate behavior must be highlighted for several reasons. One is that Rammstein as a band consciously plays with their image of “bad boys” and with brutally sexual imagery and vocabulary.

The second is how remarkable the band is.

Ambassador of German-language music

Rammstein is a big, big band for Germans, the number one export product of the entire country’s music industry. For a nation that is proud of its language and sticks to dubbing, the fact that Rammstein sings in German and is still successful abroad means a lot.

Now public opinion is divided, as it seems obvious to some that Lindemann is at least guilty of abusing his position of power. Funds have been collected for Lindemann’s alleged victims through crowdfunding, and Rammstein’s concerts have been demanded to be cancelled.

Some Germans, on the other hand, are of the opinion that if there is no verdict, Lindemann has not done anything wrong. They say the female fans already made up their minds when they attended the after party, and that “the female fans should have known what was coming,” Drepper describes the arguments.

The situation is made especially strange by Rammstein’s and Lindemann’s former quarrels, which are seen in a new light with the fresh accusations.

– In Lindemann’s book of poems from 2020, he writes about having sex with an unconscious woman, practically rape, says Drepper.

According to Drepper, with such commotions around Rammstein and Lindemann, there was already an awkward, suspicious atmosphere in Germany, which now turned into a final nuisance.

The band broke up

For several weeks, Rammstein kept complete radio silence regarding the accusations, until last Friday the drummer Christoph Schneider wrote about his feelings on Instagram.

Schneider makes it clear right from the start that he doesn’t believe anything criminal happened. For example, he does not believe the claims about the use of knockout drops. According to Schneider, at Tilli’s parties, adults celebrate with each other in agreement.

However, according to Schneider, the fact that the things that happened at the party were acceptable in the eyes of the law does not mean that he has accepted them on a personal level.

He points out that Tilli’s party should not be confused with the band’s official post-gig party. According to Schneider, Till has “distanced himself from the other band members” and “created his own bubble” in recent years.

– Schneider is telling the truth, the parties have been separate. But on the other hand, those around Lindemann knew what was going on at the party. In addition, many Germans were hoping for some kind of apology, and it didn’t come (from Schneider), Drepper thinks about the drummer’s statement.

“There has been no Metoo discussion in the music industry in Germany”

Does Drepper believe that in Germany there will be a wider discussion about the problem situations in the music industry and the behavior of music stars in connection with Rammstein?

– Rammstein is an exceptional band, we have nothing else like it. But a discussion has arisen and other musicians have raised the topic in public discussion.

Drepper says the activists opened Monday night www.musicmetoo.dewebsite, where you can anonymously report sexual harassment experienced in the music industry.

– In Germany, there hasn’t been an actual Metoo discussion in the music field, so this is really something like that, says Drepper.

The Lindemann saga is not over yet. Drepper and his team of investigative journalists are still taking tips from the public and trying to figure out what female fans have experienced. The results of the preliminary investigation by the Berlin public prosecutor’s office will be a significant turning point.

Does Drepper believe that Lindemann still has a future in the cultural sector?

– I don’t know what will happen to his career, he has not answered any questions regarding the events. It will be really interesting to hear what he has to say in the end.
