This is the day when the risk of heart attack is the highest!

This is the day when the risk of heart attack

The risk of having a heart attack (infarction) would be higher between December 25 and January 7, compared to any other time of the year, reports a study carried out by the American Heart Association. What day exactly? Why ?

The end-of-year celebrations are often an opportunity to get together with loved ones, synonymous with moments of joy and fulfillment. But it would also be the period – particularly between December 25 and January 7 – in which the risk of doing a heart attack would be higher. December 25th would be precisely the day on which occurs most cardiac deaths in the year following December 26 and January 1st. In any case, this is the observation of a study conducted by theAmerican Heart Association published on November 30, 2022.

Why ? Stress, overeating, alcohol (generally consumed more during the holiday season), fatigue and cold increase cardiovascular risk. “The holidays are a busy, often stressful time for many of us. Routines are disrupted; we can have tendency to eat and drink more, exercise less. We sleep too little and feel too much stress. We may also not listen to our body or pay attention to warning signs, thinking that a visit to the doctor can wait until after the New Year.“, argues Dr. Mitchell Elkind, professor of neurology and director of clinical sciences for the American Heart Association. According to the study, cardiac mortality would increase by almost 5% during the end of the year holidays. The reason ? “The risk of infarction increases according to cardiovascular factors which we carry. In addition to these factors, there may be triggering events: significant stress, which can be happy or unhappy, but also extreme cold or overeating“said Gérard Helft, cardiologist and member of the French Cardiology Federation to our colleagues from TF1.

“Don’t ignore the warning signs because you don’t want to ruin the holidays”

For hospitalized patients, the increase in cardiac deaths during the holiday season is 1.60%. “Research also shows that the biggest increases in these heart attack deaths during the holidays are among people who are not hospitalized. This emphasizes the importance of recognizing symptoms and seeking immediate medical care. Don’t ignore the warning signs of a heart attack because you don’t want to ruin the vacation, the consequences could be much worse“, argues Dr. Elkind.

In this context, the American Heart Association shares its recommendations to prevent heart attacks and limit the risks:

Know the symptoms and act fast. Do not wait to call the emergency services in the event of a suspected heart attack.
► Celebrate with moderation : you can eat healthy without depriving yourself. Do not forget to monitor your salt intake.
► Devote time to self-care while on vacation. Reduce vacation stress (organization, gifts, families…).
keep moving : The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week (which represents 2h30) and this number tends to decrease during the holidays.
Don’t forget to take your medication : Holidays can cause you to forget to take your treatment, especially if you are not at home.


– Winter holidays lead to more heart attack deaths than any other time of year, American Heart Association, November 30, 2022

– Cardiac Mortality Is Higher Around Christmas and New Years Than Any Other Time, Circulation, American Heart Association, December 13, 2004
