“This is like war”, said an eyewitness – in Russia, at least 27 people died and more than a hundred were injured in a fire at a gas station

This is like war said an eyewitness in Russia

According to the authorities, the fire started in a car repair shop and started to spread. A criminal investigation has been initiated into the events that led to the fire.

In southern Russia, at least 27 people died and more than a hundred were injured late Monday evening in a gas station fire and explosion, according to the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

The destruction happened near Makhachkala, the capital of the Republic of Dagestan. According to the authorities, the fire started at a car repair shop located on the side of the road. The fire is said to have started during maintenance work on the car.

The fire spread to a nearby gas station and caused at least one explosion.

– This is like a war, an eyewitness told the news agency Reuters.

The authorities have started a criminal investigation into the events leading up to the fire.

According to the Russian Ministry of Emergencies, there are at least 102 injured. At least three of the dead are children.

At least ten people have been injured very seriously, says Russia’s Deputy Minister of Health Vladimir Fisenko according to the Russian news agency Ria Novosti.

Firefighters put out the fire for more than three and a half hours, according to the Russian emergency service, according to the Russian news agency Tassi.

Mahatškala is located on the shore of the Caspian Sea. The city has more than 600,000 inhabitants.

Source: AFP, Reuters
